Monday, June 15, 2009


This Blog is dedicated to all the children who are battling or have lost their battle with a brain tumor! The goal of this blog is to raise awareness and help raise money to find cures. Each child that is featured on here needs our help. From a donation to just encouraging words to the family. Please help!
After what I have learned from my own experience with my son I hope that I can help other families!


  1. Can I just tell you that I think you are great. Not many people would do what you are doing and you are inspiring for being who you are. Thank you for sharing all the stories and for being such an advocate to all the families who are going through these trying circumstances. You are amazing!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi i am really proud of you what you are doing as an human being.. I am personally member of karate chops cancer foundation and its always painful experience to see family suffering every year from cancer and loosing their faimly members.. You are doing an awesome job.

    God Bless

  4. I think it is wonderful that this website was created, and I know the families appreciate the extra prayers that it will surely bring! Before discovering this site, I was following the battle of one little girl listed here, Reagan Richards, and am concerned because her CB site was deactivated suddenly over a month ago. Does anyone have any information about Reagan?

  5. Reagan's new site is richardsreagan
