Caleb Spady.....................
First Breath in Heaven
Tuesday morning around 11:30 am CST, while Ken was giving Caleb a bath, Caleb drew his last breath on earth and took his first breath in heaven. At that time, Kim was in surgery due to complications from her earlier surgery. She is resting now at Integris Baptist Hospital and is expected to have a full recovery. The Spady family is at peace. They are grateful that everything the tumor took from Caleb has now been restored to him.
A friend of Kim’s wrote a song that brought her comfort. Its words describe the hope t
hat has sustained Caleb and his family through these difficult days.
Though He should slay me, I'll trust in Him.
His way is never wrong.
In darkness I will praise His name.
He is my Strength and Song.
For He knows my fiery trial.
He knows the way I take.
His glory shall be seen,
And He makes no mistake.
God sees my ways and counts my steps.
He hears my silent cry.
My heart is fixed; I trust in Him.
I need not ask Him why.
My faith and hope are in the Lord,
My Refuge and High Tower.
In quietness and confidence
Shall be my strength this hour.
For He knows my fiery trial.
He knows the way I take.
His glory shall be seen,
And He makes no mistake.
Brianna Sharp........................
She Finished Strong!!
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." ~ 2 Timothy 4:7
Brianna passed away at 6:12 this morning. She finished the race strong….living up to the meaning of her name and her cross country motto. She was surrounded by her loving sister, parents, and step-parents.
We felt from the day of diagnosis that Brianna was here to serve a bigger purpose, especially if God chose her to bear such a heavy cross. If a child cannot live out their dreams and God chooses to call them home, we must know His plan is perfect. She always put others first and even though I told her it is o.k. to be selfish for once in her life…to let go if she wants to be out of pain, she held strong for everyone else. She held strong and allowed her family and friends to come share their love with her and she shared her love and so much more. Though she could not speak, could not move, and struggled to open her eyes for even a second, she would gather the strength to let us know how much she loved us. She wanted to bless us with a few more squeezes of the hands, a few more words, and to show us her beautiful blue eyes a few more times.
Though we don’t know all the plans He has for her, we do know she accomplished more in 13 years than most people do in a lifetime. She touched the hearts and inspired so many people, including her parents!
Because of Brianna, family relationships have healed, parents and children cherish each other like never before, and people grew in faith. Brianna would want nothing more than for people to be happy, but we hope she served a greater purpose by displaying the hope, faith and love which inspires people to seek out the little miracles and many blessings in every day. She did accomplish her primary goal in life. Especially as Matt, Maria, Bob and I were able to give her what she always wanted…peace in her family. She was not going to leave until we reconciled our relationships. Only hours after she heard it from everyone, she began to let go and she was lifted up!
We decided if she cannot live out her own dreams (hairdresser, chef, artist, marriage, kids) we would make at least one dream come true, which was to have her family together with her and at peace.
Brianna is lifted up, healed in mind, body, and spirit. She is donning beautiful angel wings, and I imagine is being tugged at by two little boys who are asking her to play with them. God Bless Brianna…her Irish eyes are smiling down on us!
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
May the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
Dance as though no one is watching you,
Love as though you have never loved before,
Sing as though no one can hear you,
Live as though heaven is on earth.